What Are Cantilevers? What Are Cantilever Footings? How Are They Designed?

 What Are Cantilevers? What Are Cantilever Footings? How Are They Designed?

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Cantilever: What Is It?

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A cantilever is essentially a structural component with only one end supported and that extends horizontally. Structures known as cantilevers have one end that is fixed and the other end is free.

Cantilever bridges, cantilever slabs, and balconies are all frequently built using cantilever structures.

The chajja in our house serves as the best illustration of a cantilever. Only one corner of it is supported, and the other corner is free. Typically, reinforced cement concrete construction uses this kind of footing.

More individual columns make up the cantilever footing, which is joined by a strap-like beam.

The strap beam is not in contact with the ground in the strap footing. The load is not transmitted to the soil by the strap beam directly.

The strap beam's primary purpose is to transfer the weight of the Structure's heavily loaded outer column to its inner column.

The bending moment and shear force act on the strap beam in the cantilever footing. It is crucial to design the strap beam so that it can withstand the shear force and bending moment.

Cantilever Footing: What Is It?

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One of the building's foundational elements is the cantilever footing. One type of combined footing, known as a cantilever footing, consists of two or more column footings connected by a concrete beam.

Strap footing is another name for cantilever footing. You will learn about the cantilever footing, its design, and the applications of cantilever footings in this article.

Construction of cantilever footings uses reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C.)

With the strap, there are two different types of cantilever footings.

  • footings for cantilevers with a single strap.
  • footings for cantilevers with a non-uniform strap.

Candelabra Footing

A part of a building's foundation is a cantilever footing. It is a type of combined footing that consists of a concrete beam connecting two or more column footings. It is utilised to assist in distributing the weight of column footings that are eccentrically or heavily loaded to nearby footings.

Cantilever footing design

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The unique kind of footings used for one or two columns are called cantilever footings. By balancing the load that the building will place on the footing, the cantilever footing is designed.

The strap beam joins "two footing designs base bending moments due to external and internal loads of the column" in the case of the cantilever footing.

the presumptions that are used to design cantilever or strap footing.

  1. The strap is regarded as a pure flexural member that is unaffected by soil reaction.
  2. An infinitely rigid member is the strap.

Strap beam function is to tie the two different footings with each other. The strap beam transfers the loads by means of the cantilever action.

The building's column, which is situated at the property line's edge, has an eccentricity-loaded footing.

There are very few houses, and the available space is crowded due to the close proximity of the houses to one another. The outer walls are consequently very close to one another.

Since there isn't much room available in this situation, isolated footing cannot be provided.

At the far end of the property line, a column is eccentrically loaded. Cantilever footings are the most appropriate in this situation because they provide structural stability to the structures without sacrificing their aesthetic appeal.

The cantilever footings are primarily intended to balance out the asymmetrical loads on the Structure.

Cantilever Movement in Buildings

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For proper support of the loads placed on the structure, the structural elements of the buildings are supported at both ends.

However, in some circumstances, it is necessary to build overhanging structures like sunshades and balconies.

It uses cantilever structural elements, which have one end that is supported and the other that is free. The cantilever action used in cantilever footings to transfer load from one footing to another.

The load is moved to the end in cantilever footings and structures. It is constructed so that it can withstand the shear stress and bending moment.

It is crucial that a square or rectangular footing be concentrically placed under a column that extends into an adjacent property when it is situated close to the property line.

The centre of gravity of the loads and the foundation must be in line in the case of cantilever footings in order to transfer the loads uniformly.

Situations That Require Cantilever Footing

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Cantilever footings are preferred in situations where there is insufficient space for the foundation to transfer loads to the underground strata.

When the soil does not have a sufficient capacity to transfer the loads from the structure to the ground and the size of the footings can be increased beyond the limit, cantilever footings are also used.

If the column is built close to the plot's edge and cannot be extended further, cantilever footings are used.

When there is no way to provide combined footing because of the great distance between two consecutive columns. Then, cantilever footing is employed.


Cantilever Footing: What Is It?

Cantilever footing is a type of combined footing in which the eccentricity caused by the eccentricity of the column load is balanced by the cantilever action.

Candelabra Footing

A type of foundation used to support a building, bridge, or tower is known as a cantilever footing. It is built to withstand the shear forces and bending moments produced by the structure's weight and the loads it supports.

Cantilever Basis

When a structure needs a long, projecting overhang or a foundation that extends past the base of the structure, it is supported by a cantilever foundation. Similar to a cantilever footing, it supports bigger, heavier structures like towers, bridges, and large machinery.

Cantilever: What Is It?

A cantilever is a structural component that is free to extend outward, carrying a load or offering support, and is only anchored at one end. It is a kind of beam or slab that projects past its support and is fixed at one end, producing an overhang.

Footing on Cantilevers

A cantilevered footing is a type of foundation used to support a building or bridge when the load is carried at one end of the footing and extends beyond the base of the foundation. It resembles a cantilever footing but supports the load from a projecting overhang.

Foundation with Cantilever Footing

A cantilever footing foundation is one that carries the load at one end of the footing and extends past the base of the foundation to support a structure, such as a building or bridge. It combines a cantilever and a footing and is intended to give the structure a stable foundation while also dispersing the load over a larger area.

Strap or Cantilever Footing

A load-bearing wall or column that is off-center or where there is a need to add additional support to one side of the foundation can be supported by a cantilever or strap footing. It is a kind of footing that provides the structure with additional support by extending past the base of the wall or column.

Standing Beam

A load-bearing wall or column that is situated on a slope or on uneven ground is supported by a footing beam, also referred to as a grade beam. It is a ground-level, reinforced concrete beam that forms the backbone of a foundation system.

Belt Beam

In a foundation system, a strap beam is a type of reinforced concrete beam that joins two or more separate footings. Construction projects where there are structural constraints or where additional stability is required to support a load-bearing wall or column typically use it.

chajja cantilever

A typical architectural design element in conventional Indian buildings is the cantilever chajja. To provide shade and shelter from the sun and rain, it is an overhanging roof projection that extends beyond the building's walls.

Cantilever or Strap Footing

By joining two or more separate footings with a strap beam made of reinforced concrete, a strap footing is created. The strap beam gives the foundation more stability by distributing the weight from the individual footings to a larger area of soil.

Beam Strap Footing

In construction projects where there are structural constraints or where additional support is required to ensure the stability of a load-bearing wall or column, strap beam footings are frequently used. They ensure the safety and stability of the structure by serving as a solid foundation for each individual footing.

Candelabra Column

A cantilever column is a structural component that supports a load-bearing structure by extending outward and being anchored at one end. Although it is vertical rather than horizontal, it is similar to a cantilever beam.

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