How Should Stone and Brick Masonry Work Be Monitored?

How Should Stone and Brick Masonry Work Be Monitored?

 Masonry work refers to the construction of structures using building materials such as stones, bricks, concrete, and so on. The process places significant physical, mental, and temporal demands on the participants. High task demands increase the possibility of errors, which has consequences for rework, safety, and productivity. To ensure the durability of masonry work, it is critical to better understand and manage task demands.

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Even when taken from the same quarry, the characteristics of natural stone can vary greatly. Similarly, bricks are a manufactured product that is subject to unpredictability during the manufacturing process.

Mortar is also an important component of masonry construction, and its strength and durability can vary. As a result, the material selection and construction process of masonry work becomes critical for ensuring the structure's durability.

This article describes the procedures that field supervisors must follow when inspecting stone and brick masonry work. The benefits and drawbacks of brick and stone masonry have also been discussed.

1. Stone Carving

Stone masonry construction is done with the help of stones and mortar. However, stone masonry is not currently popular due to the high cost of transportation, expensive dressing work, and the need for experienced labor. Furthermore, stone-masonry walls take up more space than brick-masonry 

1.1 Supervision of Stone Masonry Construction

When inspecting stone masonry work, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Stones that are resilient and durable, free of flaws such as cracks, cavities, veins, and so on, should be used.
  2. The stones should be dressed according to the specifications.

  3. Stones should be properly moistened before use to prevent water absorption by the stones.
  4. Stones should be laid in the direction of their natural bed.
  5. The facing and backing faces should be neatly laid out. Furthermore, the facing and backing faces must meet the wooden template requirements.
  6. To fill the heart of the masonry, use stone chips and mortar.
  7. Thick mortar joints must be avoided.Plumb-bob should be used frequently to check the wall's verticality.
  8. Mortars containing the appropriate percentages of sand and cement should be used.
  9. Above all, continuous vertical joints should be avoided.
  10. Within 1.5 meters of vertical distance, through-stones should be used.
  11. Masonry should not have an uneven height. As a result, proper planning should be carried out prior to laying the masonry.
  12. Under the beams, trusses, and sills, large flat stones should be used.
  13. Before proceeding with work, the previous day's masonry should be clean and free of loose particles.
  14. To achieve strong masonry, curing should be done continuously for at least two to three weeks.

2. Bricklaying

Brick masonry is made up of bricks and various types of mortars. Mortar is used to hold things together. Lime and cement mortar are typically used for permanent structures, whereas mud mortar is typically used for temporary structures.

2.1 Brick Masonry Building Supervision

The following points should be kept in mind when constructing brick masonry:

  1. Use high-quality bricks that are uniform in color, well-burned, and have specific sizes and shapes.
  2. The mortar should not absorb water from the bricks. As a result, before using the bricks in masonry work, they should be immersed in water for at least two hours.
  3. When laying bricks in masonry work, the frog should always point upwards.
  4. The construction of a brick wall should begin at the structure's end or corner.
  5. Plumb-bob should be used frequently to check the wall's verticality.
  6. The mortar used must adhere to the specifications.
  7. The finished brick masonry should have a toothed end.
  8. Brickbats should be used sparingly.
  9. Brick masonry walls should be raised evenly. No wall should be raised by more than 1.5 m in a single day.
  10. When the mortar is green, the face joints should be raised to a depth of 12 to 20 mm to allow for proper pointing or plastering. Face joints should be struck flush and finished neatly if no plastering or pointing is required.
  11. Window and door holdfasts should be embedded in brick masonry with cement mortar or concrete during wall construction.
  12. Curing time for brick masonry work should be at least two weeks.
  13. Single scaffolding should be used for brickwork at a greater height.

3. Benefits and Drawbacks of Brick Masonry

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of brick masonry over stone masonry:

3.1 Benefits

  1. Because the sizes and shapes of the bricks are consistent, construction does not necessitate the use of skilled labor.
  2. Because bricks are light in weight, working with them is simple.
  3. The easy availability of bricks, combined with their lightweight properties, reduces transportation costs significantly. Stones, on the other hand, are heavy and must be transported from quarries, which are generally found in limited locations, making transportation relatively expensive.
  4. Brick masonry allows for the use of any type of mortar.
  5. Bricks can be used to create thinner walls. It is not possible, however, with stones.
  6. Openings for windows and doors are simple to form in brick masonry work. As a result, the construction process is simplified.
  7. Brick masonry has a lower dead load than stone masonry.
  8. The mortar joints in brick masonry are thin, which reduces construction costs.
Brick masonry is more resistant to fire and weather than stone masonry. 

3.2 Drawbacks

  1. Brick masonry has a lower strength than stone masonry.
  2. Brick masonry work has a low durability.
  3. Plastering is required for brick masonry work, and color cleaning is required for plastered surface area. Plastering and painting are not required for stone masonry work. As a result, maintenance costs are higher in brick masonry.
  4. Because brick masonry absorbs water, moisture penetration into the structure is possible. In stone masonry, there is no such problem.
  5. In general, architects have more design freedom in stone masonry than in brick masonry.
  6. Stone masonry is used to construct monuments because it provides an attractive appearance.


What is masonry work in construction?

Masonry work refers to the construction of structures using building materials such as stones, bricks, concrete, and so on.

What are the reasons for cracks in brick masonry?

Cracks appear in most brick masonry structures for the following reasons:
1. Combining the brick work with other materials. As a result, such an approach generates more deflections and strains.
2. Cracks are caused by the effect of deflection and shrinkage of concrete slabs resting on walls.
3. Internal forces caused by moisture absorption and temperature fluctuations can cause cracks in brick walls.

How to prevent cracks in brick masonry?

The following are the most important measures to prevent cracking in masonry walls:
1. The foundation that supports the masonry walls should be stiff enough.
2. Horizontal and vertical expansion joints should be installed in the walls. It will aid in the reduction of cracking.
3. Shrinkage cracks should be avoided by using concrete with low shrinkage characteristics.
4. Short spans for floor slabs are preferred to reduce deflection effects on walls.

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